Abuse is something that causes actual, or is likely to cause significant harm to a child. It may be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect.Categories of abuse:
• Physical:
Includes children who are physically hurt or injured by being hit, shaken, squeezed, burnt, bitten, or by being given alcohol, inappropriate drugs or poison.
• Emotional:
Includes persistent lack of affection, where a child may be constantly shouted at,
threatened or taunted which may make the child very nervous or withdrawn.
• Sexual:
Includes full sexual intercourse, masturbation, oral sex, anal intercourse and fondling. Also showing children pornographic material.
• Neglect:
Includes the health and development of a child being impaired.
About 500,000 children and adults a year are involved in the family justice system Social workers warn changes being brought in to speed up adoption and the family courts might be bad for the welfare of some children.